I have heard dozens of reasons given for the "Bomb Saddam" war. The
airwaves and talking heads are full of propaganda,
spin and reasoning for
why events are unfolding as they are. Lets look at what its not about.
At the root of it all
it is not about oil. Thanks to the Russians and the
Saudis we have all that we need and then some. If anything, the Germans
the French have played the politics of petroleum, not the United
It is not about UN resolutions. Seventeen have been violated in the last
dozen years by Iraq and know one has
really cared.
It is not about weapons inspectors. Saddam threw them out years ago and
now that they are back it is simply a
game of cat and mouse. There have
been no thorough searches of the massive presidential complexes or visits
to the vast
underground bases and secret military facilities disguised as
hospitals and mosques that are all known to exist.
It is not about "freeing Iraq" and liberating its oppressed minorities or
persecuted peoples. Twenty years of
slaughter, torture, rape and pillage
has hardly moved the world to come to the rescue. After the first Gulf
War both
Colin Powell and George Bush the First exhorted the people of
Iraq to overthrow their dictator. But no help was given,
the tide turned,
and vicious revenge and the slaughter of tens of thousands by Saddam
happened within sight and sound
of American troops.
It is not about the majority of the weapons of mass destruction. Iran,
Syria, Libya and many other less-than-friendly
nations actively seek or
already have the same chemical and biological weapons Iraq has
manufactured and used.
What this war is really about is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction
- the nuclear bomb.
More pointedly, the reason for the fevered attempts to acquire or produce
one is to fulfill the dream of creating
the "Arab bomb" or in the case of
the Iranians the "Islamic bomb". Each of the leaders of the Middle East
seeks to become
the leader of that part of the world. From Libyas
Khadafi to the mullahs of Iran to Saddam Hussein of Iraq each of these
seeks to unify the Arab and/or Islamic world behind them
politically and militarily. They seek to follow the footsteps
of Mohammed
by challenging the West and its offspring, the modern nation of Israel.
To reunite the Arab and Islamic world under one banner and one leader has
been the dream from the Caliphs to Nasser.
For in Islamic terms there is
only the world that has been conquered by Islam and the world that has
yet to be conquered
by Islam. Fueled by their hatred of the Jews and
Israel as well as their frustration with the power, prestige and
of the Western world, they seek a way to stand up and
successfully reclaim the prestige and power that they once had. The
of nuclear weapons is seen as the way to accomplish this goal
of Arab/Islamic unity and power and the assertion of their
proper place
in the modern world.
This scenario is widely feared by the West, and as we can see great
strides are being taken to prevent that dream
from becoming reality.
Thanks to the policies of the last administration with regard to North Korea
we are facing the
ugly potential of nuclear blackmail. It is the
nightmare scenario come true. Thankfully, North Korea has no fellow
to rally or worldwide agenda to wage. But the Arabic and Islamic world
There are reasons the nations of Iraq, Iran and North Korea are labeled
the Axis of Evil by our President. These
three nations have funded,
trained, equipped, supported and encouraged terrorists of all stripes and
ideologies in their
shadow war against the West. Each has achieved, or is
frantically attempting to achieve, the production of the "great
against Western civilization, the nuclear bomb. North Korea is
believed to actually have at least one or two. Iraq and
Iran are both
frighteningly close. The United States and its true allies have decided
that Iraq is the first to be stopped
from achieving a weapon that could
actually cause massive destruction in their homelands.
So, despite the rhetoric and protests, this is a war that is both
necessary and important. The events of 9-11
have shown the mettle and
hatred possessed by our enemies. Now is the time to show our might with
the conviction that
we are in the right.