The various factions of the Left have decided to “pounce” on McCain’s VP pick, Sarah
Palin. What’s hilarious is that every one of the complaints about Palin by the yapping Democratic attack dogs can and
should be applied directly to Obama. McCains vice presidential selection is more experienced and more qualified for the presidency
than the Democratic nominee himself. That should tell you something.
They’ve basically got a glorified “I vote present” Illinois state senator running
for the highest office in the land while they are complaining about a governor and, might I add, the only person on either
ticket with actual governing experience. Palin stands in stark contrast to an Obama who has abundantly more baggage and a
disturbingly tainted and problematic past.
I say burn the naysayers and doomsayers at the stake. It was a bold and fine pick Mr. McCain. Palin
has a backbone of steel, is fiercely independent, strong minded and witty and has created her own success in life. Let the
bully boys and the pit bulls circle and growl, but Palin should do you proud. McCain has to be willing to be bold, calculating
and willing to take risks. Whether the Palin pick will make much of a difference remains to be seen but the maverick continues
to surprise and impress as the campaign goes on. He has done remarkably well and far better than many initially thought he
might. This election is Obama's to lose but the "inevitability" factor has almost completely dissipated and his pick of Biden
was one born out of desperation, panic and weakness in response from increasingly effective McCain campaign strategies.
With this one pick, McCain has snapped the conservative base back into place (she is loved by pro-lifers,
evangelicals, gun rights advocates, and the lovers of Liberty everywhere) and also managed to reach out to every middle class,
working soccer mom type that may have considered Hillary at one time or another. It softens the appearance of the ticket,
helps eliminate the “novelty” factor of an Obama candidacy, and also guarantees that history will also be made
on November 4th with a McCain victory.
The low blow name-calling that is already being bantered about by Democratic talking heads is already
borderline sexist and certainly joins the ‘ageism’ so evident in the attacks on John McCain. The “party
of tolerance” is in fact often a very intolerant group of hypocrites and conservatives like myself never tire in pointing
that out. That is just one of the many, many reasons why I do not subscribe to the intellectually and morally barren “progressive”
Here are a couple of things you may not know about Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.
In high school Palin was known as “Sarah Barracuda” by her classmates due to her fierce
competitiveness on the basketball court. Her oldest son is in the army and is being deployed to Iraq . She was the 2nd runner
up for the Miss Alaska title. She is known as a political outsider and maverick, loves mooseburgers, is witty, smart and is
considered squeaky clean in a political climate that often oozes with corruption.
Politics can be really fun at times. This is one of those times. The “Right” has been so
concerned about McCain yet have faithfully, if reluctantly, backed his “Nobama” candidacy. They have been scared
to death of Obama and his vision of an apparent womb to the tomb socialist, Utopian state complete with hamster wheel powered
vehicles and torch and pitchfork pogroms against all those who are white, bitter, Bible believing, gun owners who hesitate
to hire illegals to clean their plastic wading pools. They don’t want to be micromanaged by an unfeeling, uncaring federal
government that insists upon interfering and regulating every aspect of their daily lives.
The sound you now hear is millions of conservatives rushing to man the barricades against the Oprah
hordes. In less than twelve hours the past sins of the maverick McCain were forgiven if not forgotten and Sarah “barracuda”
Palin became some sort of amalgamated mascot, poster child, rallying point and hero of the conservative camp. The pundits
will ponder the question as to whether Palin brought over the women to the McCain camp, but the truth is she brought over
every male that is old enough to spout some hair on his chest or hasn’t been emasculated somewhere along the way by
angry FemiNazis.
In politics, there is nothing more greatly feared by the Left than an energized and united conservative
movement. They delivered the white house to Reagan, shook the very pillars of the Clinton presidency, rallied the nation to
fight the vanguards of fundamentalist Islam and now they will be coming after The One and all those who weep and faint at
the mere sight and sound of their new secular Messiah. The conservatives have found a rallying point, McCain has found a powerful
new symbol and the Democrats who once believed they had this election in the bag are increasingly defensive in their tactics
and shrill in their attacks. They have been betrayed and deflated by Bush and vilified and impaled by the Left and the media,
but the elation and galvanization of a down but not out ideology that is still powerful and influential cannot be denied.
And they may be the difference between a McCain victory and a McCain defeat.
The partisan rhetoric aside, I would much rather be governed by a self-made success story living the
American dream with the independent and freedom-loving values of rural Alaska than by someone who is the product of the corrupt
Chicago, inner city political machine. One wants you to control your life, and the other wants to control your life for you.
You’ll hear a lot about “experience” in this election but just as important is the concept of freedom, common
sense, morals and values. The winner of that debate is clear.