The Democratic party is swiftly turning into the Jerry Springer Party. The Democratic presidential
contest is about one degree away from bleeped out tirades and security guards tackling the guests amid the biting, scratching
and name-calling.
Even though the resignation of New York Governor Eliot “Backdoor” Spitzer is the story
of the day, the recent comments of infamous womanyst, and the first female VP candidate for a major US political party, Geraldine
Ferraro are worth quoting here. The followers of the various victimhood factions of the Dems have decided to start leveling
the same charges and insinuations at each other that they usually reserve for those evil Republicans. It is also interesting
to see the sharp blades of political correctness being turned on their usual wielders.
Ferraro seems stunned that her comments were taken poorly by some (how long has this woman been a Democrat?)
but I am personally convinced that as soon as someone gives her something shiny or sparkly that she’ll be fine. But
until then, she continues to embarrass her friend Hillary Clinton whose campaign she is loosely affiliated with.
The following quotes are by Geraldine Ferraro in the last few days.
“If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of
any color), he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in
the concept.”
“Any time anybody does anything that in any way pulls this campaign down and says let’s
address reality and the problems we’re facing in this world, you’re accused of being racist, so you have to shut
up. Racism works in two different directions. I really think they’re attacking me because I’m white. How’s
“In all honesty, do you think that if he were a white male, there would be a reason for the black
community to get excited for a historic first? Am I pointing out something that doesn’t exist?”
“Sexism is a bigger problem. It’s OK to be sexist in some people’s minds. It’s
not OK to be racist.”
Now conservatives tend to laugh out loud at the perceived horror by liberals at the ultimate sin (as
defined by liberals), the controversial or ‘insensitive’ comment, and this case is no different. America will
never fully heal from its racial fissures if we are afraid to talk about race. The outrage should not be over whether or not
she should have made these remarks, but whether or not the statement was rooted in truth.
That’s the problem with political correctness. Everyone is frightened to mention the obvious
(he’s black and it’s helping him) whether or not it is true. One should be critiqued and criticized for the worthiness,
strength, or truth of something, not whether or not one has the urge to discuss it.
As a society we need to throw off the ‘white man’s burden’ once and for all while
still seeking justice, opportunity and success for all American citizens regardless of race. And the hand wringing over whether
or not such comments ‘remind’ voters that Sen. Barack Obama’s father was African is ridiculous. Do they
think that the voters can’t tell that? That they didn’t know that until now? Please. The chains of political correctness
and the idiocy surrounding it needs to broken and tossed into the dustbin of history as soon as possible.
That is not to say that Geraldine Ferraro is not a dullard and a ditz for once again injecting race
into the leprous corpse of the Clinton campaign in the hopes of helping it limp on to the finish line. It was poor politics
at best and continues to backfire as she stubbornly defends her position instead of doing the usual progressive penance of
apologizing and meeting with Sharpton and Jackson to complete her ideological reeducation.
The other possible angle on all this is that the Obama camp is trying out the ‘CRY RACISM’
tactic everytime their candidate is mentioned by an opponent or their minions to see how the MSM reacts and how far they will
‘carry his water’ for him. It appears that they will carry it as far as asked. I sincerely hope that Hillary does
win the nomination because you can beat her up all day long and no one really cares, but McCain or anyone else with an (R)
after their name will be branded a racist for merely uttering Obama’s name, let alone daring to point out the utter
incompetence, socialist policies or inexperience of the Democratic nominee.
As for the truth in her premise that Obama would be nothing but a has-been state senator if not for
his race, I can’t say with any reasonable degree of accuracy. But I can ask: Where John Edwards is today and what is
the difference between him and Obama?
Case closed. Or is it?
Geraldine Ferraro has finally decided to disengage herself publicly from the Clinton campaign with
her usual tact and grace.
Dear Hillary –
I am stepping down from your finance committee so I can speak for myself and you can continue to speak
for yourself about what is at stake in this campaign.
The Obama campaign is attacking me to hurt you. I won’t let that happen.
Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do to make this a better world for my children
and grandchildren.
You have my deep admiration and respect.
So join me now in chanting: