Amanda Marcotte - blogger, feminist, loner, and frustrated angry person. I am and always will be
a loner. - Amanda Marcotte.
Now even I hate to see someone picked on too much, but the F-bomb blogger of Edwards fame just seems
to crave the attention and wallow in the lunacy of the Left.
Since I am still banned from the land of Pandagonia I can’t play in the Feminist sandbox anymore.I feel like the little boy kicked out of the park by
a bunch of girls (and one girly-boy). And since birth, due to certain anatomical parts she’s missing, I’m automatically
part of the vast conspiracy of patriarchy that seeks her perpetual subjugation.
I guess that’s the excuse that allows me to override my usual kind and considerate nature to
poke her with a stick from time to time. (Plus I think she deserves it.)
And Miss Marcotte once said that I ‘have nothing to say’. She was wrong on that account
as well.
If you get to know a person well enough, you often get a sense of where their beliefs, ideology and
prejudices originated. It appears that Ms. Marcotte has decided to cry us a river and explain perhaps why she has turned into
the bitter, unhappy and angry person she is today. Her post Nine Months for a Pound of Flesh gives some interesting insights into her disturbed view of society and culture. I also learned some details
about her ‘cycle’ that I would have preferred not knowing, but thanks to her for sharing anyway.
“I called my sometimes-boyfriend, my inconstant lover and told him I was probably pregnant.
I wanted him to offer to pay for the abortion. He offered instead to marry me.
I nearly threw the phone against the wall. Instead, I told him it may not be his. He said he didn’t
And one wonders why this ‘catch’ has so far managed to elude a satisfying relationship
with a member of the opposite gender. Waking up next to someone who sees a conspiracy of misogyny and ‘the patriarchy’
in literally everything would be a depressing experience to say the least.
Her elevation, even so temporarily, to a position of minor prominence as a member of a major presidential
campaign with her appearance in Time magazine and news stories is a disturbing indictment of society and the Democratic party
(not to mention the Edwards campaign). From the beginning she was a bitter, foul-mouthed shrew raging against the world around her. For her to rise to the top
of the boiling cauldron of the blogosphere is an interesting sociological study in and of itself. Here, radical and fringe
ideologies and conspiracies are given credence and maintain a loyal following. Disturbed people are put on a pedestal for
bombastic muttering and flinging offal at all those you deem part of an oppressive culture. It isn’t pretty but it does
seem to attract a cheering section wherever it is found. And is one radical echo chamber that has to be seen
and experienced to be believed.
Feminism as taught by the likes of Amanda Marcotte and her ilk is little more than gilded hatred and
harlotry hiding behind the skirts of “liberation”. Do what you will, for tomorrow you may die. And screw the consequences
( or abort them if necessary).
This is a slightly older, well done piece of the rise and fall of she who would cast herself as the
Joan of Arc of modern feminism. And though she has become the focus for so many bloggers like myself, the indictment isn’t
really against her personally, but the broader movement that she champions that has propelled her to prominence and lent her
an aura of ‘credibility’.
“What’s utterly insulting is the idea that someone asshole Republican legislator
introducing an ultrasound bill knows better than you do what the ramifications of your decision is, or that the ultrasound
is the issue. Or, worse, he probably has guessed correctly that a forced childbirth will cripple your career and possibly
leash you for life to a man who is unduly cruel and controlling-or at least will turn you into a fetal incubator for said
Bible-thumping loonies-and that’s what he is hoping will come to pass.“
Personally, it would only appear that Feminists in general must have incredibly poor luck/judgment/intuition
when it comes to men.
The anti-family, anti-tradition, and anti-marriage ideologies seek to enshrine promiscuity while smashing
every vestige of morality, values, family, self-restraint, self-respect, self-control and responsibility that came before
it. It is the ultimate in selfishness. I come first and all that would hinder my celebration of hedonism deserves to be smashed
and discarded. In modern feminism, the female and her every whim and pursuit of pleasure, leisure and self-expression must
come before all others including her husband, children, family, community, church, society, nation or culture. It is the most
intellectually barren exercise in self-centeredness that I have ever witnessed, and the theme of ”it’s all about
me” is repeated over and over again. It is the mantra of those who have decided that guiltless self-indulgence is the
ultimate liberation and their revenge against the opposite gender.
It is a philosophy primarily centered on the concept of sex without guilt, boundaries, definition,
baggage, commitment, children or consequences. And all those who might object on any level are cast in the role of vile villain
seeking to impose outdated misogyny and patriarchal practices on the newly enlightened. Infanticide and degradation are celebrated
as liberation. There is a subtle twisting of truth and exploitation of true injustices and wrongs committed against women
in history that is used to justify the grotesquely spawned ism that desperately struggles to present itself as a rational
ideology representing ‘human rights/ and ‘equal justice’ for women. Their universe is one where men are
mainly brutes, abusers, and oppressors, marriage equals slavery and drudgery, unborn babies are mere parasitic cells, and
Christianity is an evil mythology that deserves to mocked at every opportunity.
Such is the ideology that is championed by the likes of Amanda Marcotte, and that is why she has earned
my disdain.
Amanda Marcotte, (Anti-Christian) Martyr To The Cause
And what does Amanda ‘hot, white, sticky, Holy Spirit’ Marcotte have to say in response to Dave and the attention he has given her?
(Dave) ... quit projecting on me. Since your “outrage” is nothing but irritation at
people you wrongly consider your inferiors, you think that the rest of us are cynical assholes like yourself. Step out of
your skin, look at reality. You hate others because you are a contemptible sliver of a human being and hope that everyone
else is, so that you feel okay about yourself. Well, you’re wrong. A lot of us are good people, and that just makes
your nastiness even worse. – Amanda Marcotte